A school beside a lake digs an open well to get water for maintaining the toilets
A school beside a lake digs an open well to get water for maintaining the toilets
We started this project to seek answers for number of questions. Some of it we found answers to and some we are still grappling with. Furthermore, during our interactions with different groups of people, lot more get added to this list of questions. The questions range from borewell, recharge, wastewater treatment, water quality to rules and regulations governing this groundwater space.
On 29th November, 110 NCC cadets + 12 students of biology and chemistry from Christ University helped with multiple surveys in the area around Sarjapura road
The static water level was found to be 26 m. The start discharge was found to 1998 litres per hour, mid discharge as 1306.8 litres per hour and end discharge as 1497 litres per hour. The static water level was recorded at 28.5 m during pumping. The static water level was recorded at 27.5 m during recovery.
The static water level (SWL) at the start was recorded at 36 m. The initial discharge was found to be 576 litre per hour, mid discharge at 421 litres per hour and end discharge same at 421 litre per hour. During pumping, the water level reached was 39.8 m. Recovery readings were measured till 170 min/close to 3 hours during which the water level had reached up to 36.5 m
The initial SWL, before pumping was observed to be at 2.9m. The pumping was started and drawdown was observed till 110 min. At this time, a water level had gone down till 19.3 m and stabilized. The initial discharge was found to be 1036 litres per hour whereas mid discharge was observed to be 374 litres per hour. After 110th min, the pumping was stopped and recovery was started and continued for 180 min/3 hours. The water level had risen up to 3.44 m and stabilized within this time.